
Global Protection Security


Education Security

Global Protection Security provides top-notch security services for schools, colleges, universities, and boarding houses. It’s essential to have security officers who are well-trained and equipped to handle the unique risks and challenges that come with providing security in these environments.

Having proactive security officers who can anticipate potential security threats and take preventive measures can go a long way in ensuring the safety and security of students, staff, and visitors on school and college campuses. Additionally, having security officers who are trained to manage issues that may arise in this sector can help create a safe and secure environment conducive to learning.

Our security guard services include

Vehicle patrols

Global Protection Security provides security personnel in vehicles to patrol the premises and surrounding areas. They keep an eye out for any suspicious activity, and respond to any security threats that may arise

Security officers and concierge staff for daytime operations

Global Protection Security provides uniformed security officers and front desk staff who provide customer service and security to students, staff and visitors during the day.

Lock ups and unlocks

Global Protection Security provides service involves locking and unlocking designated areas of the campus or buildings at specific times. This is done to ensure that the premises are secure when no one is around.

Foot patrol checks

Global Protection Security provides personnel patrolling the campus on foot to check for any security breaches, such as unsecured doors or windows.

Full-service security and prevention solutions

Global Protection Security provides services, including access control, CCTV monitoring, alarm response and emergency response services.

Traffic management and guest welcoming for sporting events

Global Protection Security provides service involves managing traffic flow and parking, as well as welcoming and directing guests during sporting events.

Boarding house patrols

Global Protection Security provides services involves security personnel patrolling the boarding house areas to ensure the safety and security of the residents.

Access controls and contractor management

This service involves managing access to the campus or buildings, as well as managing contractors who are working on the premises.

Connect With Us

Contact us today to learn more about our education site security guard services and how we can help keep your education site safe and secure.

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